November 23, 2005
Centerville, Iowa
Banning pit bulls and Rottweilers!!!!!
On December 5th Centerville Mayor and Council decided to work with responsible pit bull and Rottweiler owners!!!
Updates will be posted on the progress of this....keep the letters coming, lets help these folks out with educational information!!
The meeting is @ 6:30 on Dec. 5 at 312 E Maple in Centerville, IA 52544-0578
Info can be sent to Kris (City Clerk) at
Phone # (641) 437-4339
Centerville Mayor is John Williams
Please send some other examples of how the City can effectively deal with thier problems other than BSL.
This is a small community of about 5, 000 people with some irresponsible owners, and they are taking thier cue from all the other Iowa towns who have just "banned away" thier problems
(and still have loose dogs and dog bites from all the other breeds...)
Very nice at the City Hall...but they are ADAMANT about this being the right thing...sigh
Grandfathered in dog' owners have this to look forward to:
* must be on a leash and muzzle (with a person present) when outside a kennel or pen
* must be confined indoors (where they cannot exit by their own volition) or enclosed in a locked pen or kennel with a secure top attached to the sides
* a prominently displayed sign warning "Beware of Dog"
* carry liability insurance
* report their dogs to city hall
The city's animal control officer, Tom Beck, noted that there were no insurance carriers for such dogs in Centerville.
A company he did find in Florida carried a $10,000 deductible with a $640 yearly fee and a $5,000 deductible with a $771 yearly fee.